7- Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening

Do you think your 3rd eye is starting to open?

Well… the fact that you are familiar with the concept of a… “third eye” leads me to suspect it very well might be!

In this post I share 7 common indicators that will help YOU decide for yourself 🙂

7- Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening

#1. Pressure In Your Skull: 

Do you feel a noticeable, “pressure” in your forehead… yet, have clear nasal passages?

The sensation feels just like you have a cold and blocked up sinuses and is the most common sign to look out for.

That sensation is  a build up of kundalini energy that you actually put there with your sustained focus and attention.

Many times… as your third eye is opening… or shortly before it opens… you experience this phenomenon of pressure in your skull.

#2. A Sudden Interest In Learning About Spiritual Topics:

Have you noticed that you are watching a lot of youtube videos about awakening, ascension, the third eye, wink wink 🙂 and other related topics?

I bet you feel pretty excited to learn about all of this awesome stuff that you now, and perhaps to your own surprise…. find yourself actually believing in?

When you third eye opens, you basically start attracting this type of information into your life.

Maybe a friend recommends a book or website… or you are searching for something online, totally unrelated… and randomly find yourself watching a youtube video with this kind of content.

The information will find you 🙂

#3. Seeing Lights When Your Eyes Are Closed:

Try closing your eyes right now and looking up near your forehead region. (It helps if the room is dark)

What do you see?

When your third eye beings to open, it’s very common to see light.

I can remember having so much of it that it was difficult to sleep! Every time i’d close my eyes to drift off, I would find myself distracted by these interesting lights.

The Most Common Colors People See:

  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • White

There is no limit however, and you might see vibrant / other worldly versions of any color.

#4. You Can Read People Like A Book:

You’re bullshit detector will be more accurate than you ever thought possible.

Your ability to perceive people’s TRUTH… underneath the facade of the character they project will improve leaps and bounds.

When someone is lying to you it will be incredibly obvious.

Many times you won’t know what they are lying about, but you will pick up on when a person’s words don’t match their energy & intension.  It’s just a gut feeling most of the time, but an noticeable one.

The downfall is that you will discover that most people are full of shit.

However,  I think we can all agree that having more information, even if it’s tough to digest at first… is a ultimately a good thing.

In the competitive world we live in, possessing the ability to read people like a book is a priceless asset.

#5. Dietary Changes:

You may find that you are drawn to foods that you normally don’t eat.

On the flip side, you may find that some of your favorite foods start upsetting your stomach.

The additional kundalni energy will cause your body to go through a LOT of changes.

Even though it can be a bit of a task… constantly reconfiguring your diet, it is indicative that you are on the right track 🙂

*** QUICK TIP ***

I was a personal trainer for a decade and can’t help but pipe in 🙂

Your body will always let you know what it wants…. My advice is to listen to it.

Eat more of what you naturally crave and feel excited about & avoid foods that disturb your system in any way…. & be flexible, because that will likely change.

#6. A Longing For More DEPTH – (In Your Relationships, Career, and Life)

You will start to see EVERYTHING in your life much much differently.

At first it might seem like everything around you is changing but in actuality, YOU are the one changing.

You wake up to the fact that there exists a deep part of you that is unfulfilled.

You suddenly expect more depth… more meaningful work, relationships, and a life path that stands for something.

This becomes no longer an option, but rather a necessity.

When this happens initially, it can be a bit of a drag because it implies that you need to make a lot of big changes to satisfy this new hunger.

However, once you do act upon your new conclusions and core values, you WILL achieve that goal and consequently…

your life will blossom in ways you can’t begin to imagine.

#7. Movement, Shapes, and Tingling:

When your third eye begins to crack open, you start to notice a whole lot of activity in that area.

The light was mentioned but also…

  • The perception of movement
  • Geometric patterns
  • Vibrations
  • Tingling
  • Heat
  • Traveling through a tunnel

So… if you have been toying around with 3rd eye meditations… or have completed my FREE Third Eye Video Training Course… AND are experiencing some of these unusual symptoms…. worry not!

You are just wake up… and actually have A LOT to look forward to.


Most people won’t experience everything I mentioned above, but if you can relate to 2-3 of these signs then it’s safe to say you’re on the right track 🙂



In deed it is… but what’s really exciting is that… This is only the beginning.

Opening my third eye was the first time I realized just how much the envelope can bend when you consistently push it.

It wasn’t long after opening my third eye that I had a full blown kundalini awakening.

This is similar to the process of opening up one’s third eye, just on much larger scale.  Kundalini is energy that we ALL possess and it can become triggered… activated.

I activated mine in a very haphazard and accidental way, but later came to find that it can be awakened with traditional methods much more smoothly.

A few years after my awakening I became kundalini yoga certified and learned how to stimulate this kundalini process with a combination of breath work, yoga postures, and dietary modifications.

If you want to learn more about how you can awaken your kundalini I have created a program that will teach you how.  => 28-Day Kundalini Awakening Program 

Accomplishing this awakening has never been easier than it is today. The ENERGY on the planet is shifting, causing the potential for what was once a very rare occurrence to become more common place.

You don’t have to go live in a monastery, meditate for 20 years, or find a guru.

In this new age… YOU are your own guru.

You have always possessed this inner authority…. the “inner guru.”

Only NOW is the time when you wake up & realize that.

It’s a VERY exciting time to be alive.

Talk to you next time,



Sources Mentioned In This Post:

FREE – (7 -Day Third Eye Video Training Course)

28 – Day Kundalini Awakening CourseÂ