Q & A (Final ASCENSION Date? also, Disclosure, Spirit Guides, and speeding up Awakening)

Friday’s 4th Density Ascension: (Q&A)  ***Click For VIDEO***

This Weeks Questions:

#1. How Can I Speed Up Ascension?

#2. When will ET Disclosure Happen?

#3. How Can I Contact My Guides?

#4. Why Do I Have Ringing In My Ears?

#5. When Will We Ascend? What date?

Question #1. How Can I Speed Up Ascension?

Quite simply, ascension requires that the spirit that dwells within, the core of our true identity take precedence over the ego/mind, in terms of the direction to go on your life path.

Your spirit will direct the entire ascension process and the speed it unfolds lies in your ability to yield to the directions of your spirit.

This is difficult many times because the way of the spirit is drastically different and often contradicts our idea of basic logic and reasoning.

However, if we can just make the choice to let go and flow with the nudges of spirit, regardless of how crazy it sounds, we will move along much much faster.

It’s that simple…

More quickly, apply the direction of your inner knowing… Put forth less resistance.

Question #2. When will ET Disclosure Happen? 

It is my honest opinion that there isn’t a single human being on the planet who truly knows.  Perhaps someone does but is mature and connected enough to know when the time is right to release that information.

Look at it like this…

Most people on the planet would flip the script with that sort of news. It would cause such intense fear and anxiety in far too many people on the planet to discover this information.

The types of people who consider the evening news a credible source are the exact type that will lose their minds hearing that. So, imagine if one day, this was just broadcasted during one of the news sessions?

It would be horrific.


People, collectively are just not yet ready.

The ET’s know this and will wait until the overall affect will be positive.

So…. what does that mean for us?

The faster you and me can awaken and play our role here, that much faster will the rest of humanity come around.

The faster humanity comes around, the sooner we will all be aware of the existence of aliens.

Who knows? It might be sooner than we think?

Question #3. How Can I Contact My Guides? 

I recently created a video that described 5 ways that you can connect with your guides... You can click THE LINK to check that out…

However, what I believe trips a lot of people up, in a nutshell is this…

Consciously contacting your spirit guides at will requires a certain vibrational level and state of being.  It is a process of unfoldment that guides each individual to higher states of consciousness and this higher vibrational frequency I am talking about.

Many just aren’t quite at that level yet to have the ability to perceive their guides.

However, if the true desire is there… you will be able to in time.

I know we all want this cool stuff NOW… Me included, but this planet…this experience.. is all about self-empowerment.

Things just take time here… it’s not as fast as it was back home in the spirit realms.

So.. basically, just keep holding your intension and following your bliss and inner guidance and you will make contact with your guides at the right time…

Question#4. Why Do I Have Ringing In My Ears? 

This is one of many transient, physical symptoms that we may experience during this time of accelerated energy.

The physics of our reality is changing and accelerating. Our body requires a period of constant adjustment to the higher frequency energies that are attempting to flow through us.

So, it’s like our body is constantly being given more energy than it is accustomed to handling which manifests itself in a myriad of physical symptoms, often a bit uncomfortable.

The ring in the ears is just one of those symptoms.

Nothing to worry about, and it will pass.

The only other possibility is that for you, personally, it is message. Many of our physical ailments are signs from our higher self trying to tell us something.

Perhaps you are working at a job that is out of alignment with your true, core self, so are experiencing evidence of this discrepancy.

Try to see if there is a message to take away from your experience…

Question #5. When Will We Ascend? What date? 

This question itself is something I held onto for many many years. Honestly, it caused me a great many of disappointment.

The question itself implies a passive attitude and state of waiting…

Now.. I totally get it!  I felt that way for a very long time and know how challenging this process can be, which causes a great desire for it to just be over with already… I understand…

You will get to a point where it doesn’t even matter.

The idea is self empowerment.

As you come into your power you will feel so awesome and proud of all of the work you have done that it doesn’t matter “when” because you, yourself will feel so good in your own alignment.

The new reality is not something that will just fall into our laps, rather it is your own reality bubble that you will create on your own.

Paradoxically, it is also, from my perspective going to be like a collective event as well.

Will there be a discernible moment in time that this profound shift takes place?  Maybe…

All I know is that there are a lot of people throwing around dates and  time frames, but I believe this process is too dynamic and in flux for any certain date to be known.

It is already getting much more difficult to cross into, “lower vibration places and situations.”  Isn’t it?

The feeling of energetic dissonance is getting quite tangible and visible to me.

Also, the process seems to be speeding up exponentially.

I wish I had a date for you guys, but honestly, I don’t think it would serve any of us.

We are the ones aware of all of this and as a result, we are required to do a lot of work to make this happen.

If we knew of a specific date, we would most likely, say…fuck these crazy people, I am going to just wait to get the hell out of dodge…right?

I know I would.

It’s not easy to endure these challenges for a population of people who seem so cold and callus.

But, that’s what we came to do.

Regardless of when this happens..

You have the ability right NOW.. to take action and make your earth experience like a fairy tale.

No need to wait 🙂
