4D Ascension Symptoms: Feeling Socially Awkward?

When you begin your journey of 4th Density Ascension you inevitably experience a crazy range of fluctuating symptoms that can throw you off socially…

I was a personal trainer at the time of my 4D awakening, which meant I had to be in social situations, almost every day!

Not only that, but I had to be, “on.”

It was a nightmare!

For the first 2-3 years after my awakening I experienced what felt like, simply, way too much energy for my body to handle.

This energy would constantly pool in my head, causing me to have extreme difficulty stringing sentences together.  Being that I was paid to be a social butterfly as  a trainer, this was a big problem.

What was so perplexing was when this energy would randomly, temporarily clear up and I was like, Jonny on the spot with smooth, articulate, and charming social skills.

I felt so awesome!

I was like…aah…finally!   This is who I really am!

I would feel devastated when it would wear off the very next day…

To add to this, I was going through so many, totally unexplainable experiences such as…

  • Surges of powerful energy coursing through my body (so intensely I thought it was going to kill me, literally)
  • Horrifying dreams that felt like actual experiences (with demonic type, scary ass fuckers, psychically picking on me)
  • Strong and compelling bursts of insight and intuition for moves to make in my personal life (always made little, logical sense)
  • Extreme levels of fatigue and what felt like (central nervous system burn out)
  • Being able to perceive lights and auras around people (noticed this especially when they were working out)
  • Discovering loads of spiritual knowledge that rang so true to me and just, ripped me open psychologically

So, I had these wild symptoms that caused me to come off like a social delinquent, totally wild side effects mentioned above, and to top it off, I wasn’t even clear as to what exactly was happening to me.

I felt so alone in all of this.

I couldn’t talk about any of this…. could I?

Fuck no!

I tried… even when I diluted my message, big time!… I saw the looks I would get when I would make an attempt to share what I was going through and I quickly realized that nobody gets it. 

So…socially awkward?

That’s an understatement.

My biggest concern was having too much energy.  I knew that all of this extra energy, with nowhere to go, was the cause of most of my social awkwardness.

I would literally experience these pockets of energy, all over my body, but especially in my head that felt like extreme sinus pressure.

I called them, energy blockages.

The fact that they caused me to come off very poorly in social situations drove me nuts!  I knew I was coming off weirdly and this only caused more anxiety, so it was like a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle.

I felt this for a few years intensely, and then another 3-4 off and on.

In time, it was less and less though.

Today, I feel great in social situations.

So, I got through it.

So will you.

Here is what helped 

All of the conventional advice I was given made all of my symptoms worse…

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Eating lighter, high-vibration type foods (living foods, fruits, veggies, etc.)
  • Chakra balancing
  • Even my favorite thing on earth to do made it worse (exercise)

Out of sheer experimentation, I began trying the opposite of what I was reading, which clearly wasn’t helping…

I found that basically, living like a normal guy for a while helped…

Drinking beer, eating heavy foods, and being inactive.

I hated doing that though because I was really into fitness and health, but those sorts of, unhealthy behaviors actually prevented this energy from releasing into my system.

I didn’t keep this up for long, but it helped greatly.

Once the energy calmed down, I was able once again to exercise, eat healthy, and feel a bit more balanced in social situations.

This also taught me that I would have to navigate this 4D ascension on my own because the information I was reading didn’t usually help much.

I learned to think outside of the box and listen to my own guidance over anything or anyone else.

If you are feeling socially awkward… 

Know 2 things…

It will pass

When it does pass, you will become awesome in social situations….

Totally… (Confident, Articulate, and Charming)

How do I know this will be the case for you?

Because you are waking up spiritually to your greater, diving nature.

Your higher self is incredibly awesome at communicating with poise, love, grace, and wit…

When your ego structure breaks down a bit more, you will experience more and more and MORE of this higher self, speaking through you…

So, just accept… that for a time, you will feel out of sorts, and that’s ok…

It’s worth it.

Your spirit self is far better in social situations that your personality, ego-self…

You ego self is supposed to experience it’s limitations.  The truth of what your ego is comprised of needs to surface and be seen.

Your ego self is a scared little child that is terrified of it’s own death.

Yet, it finds itself dying.

A new sherif is in town (Your Higher Self)

It’s pushing your ego out of the freaking way and your ego is flaring up.

Combined with the physical ascension symptoms, you have your hands full, socially.

This social awkwardness will give way to social grace.

Social ease.

Social joy.

Let the social instability to lead you to more and more of your true self, as it wants to do.

Most importantly, as with all things during this 4th density, roller coaster ascension ride…

Let it be…

Let it be…

Let it be…
