I personally use mine every day…simply because, I can reach a very calm and grounded state of being in just a few taps of the bowl.
The really cool thing is that your brain becomes conditioned to associate that particular sound with the desirable state of calm…
So, the more you use it… the faster and easier you can reach that meditative state…
Sure, you can achieve the same state naturally, but it does take more time. I personally value my time considerably and it was well worth the investment to achieve such a beautiful state of being in just a minute or two per day…
You don’t want, just any singing bowl however… You do get what you pay for.
I was gifted a smaller, standard, non-crystal singing bowl and it barley makes any noise at all. It is lovely and I use it for a nice decoration, but it does not get the job done like a good, quartz singing bowl.
Now, you don’t want, just any quarts singing bowl either….
I highly recommend you choose one that is F#… (f – sharp) for it aligns all of your chakras harmoniously, rather than isolating but one, chakra, which leads, at least in my experience, to a state of agitation and unbalance…
Below is the exact one I recommend…
Ha… you may notice it’s not as big as the one you see me with on my youtube page…
That huge one was a mistake and is unnecessary.
Click the Link below to purchase the perfect singing bowl…