5 – Habits Of A RELAXED Lightworker

How relaxed are you?

If you are anything like I was during the struggles of my awakening, than.. NOT very…

I was so uptight man… In fact, thats one of the reasons I think I was so fatigued all the time.

It requires a great deal of energy to maintain a chronic state of tension in your body.

Yet, that is the state of being that most people embody…


In the beginning of my awakening, and for a great while there, I was EXTREMELY uptight.

I still don’t know if I was just, always like that, or that my ascension just made more aware of just how uptight I actually was.

Either way…

It’s not something that went away all by itself.


I had to work at it, quite a bit.

I had to force myself into some habits that were conducive to putting me in a state of.. calm.

In the following video I will explain the 5 Habits that I now perform that help keep me nice and relaxed…

But, if you attempt these and find that creating new habits is difficult for you… .like they were for me…. try out my latest program, Mood Shift...

It is a program designed to put you into full alignment with your higher self, more grounded in the NOW…

I started doing it last winter and since then, I have been able to easily create and maintain new habits…

Who we are… is a product of our habits.

If you can choose to create habits that are in alignment with your highest potential, than the world is yours for the taking!




Mood Shift (How To STAY In Full Alignment, Every Day)

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