July 2016 Full Moon Report

Hey guys!

Well, I don’t think i need to tell you that this upcoming full moon on the 19th is POWERFUL.

I am really starting to see, now more than ever… the mass awakening energies affecting everybody. It’s really seeping into the outside world, in a big way.

This doesn’t mean it’s getting easier on us either.

But… there is a major difference between people like you… and everyone else.

You are aware of what is happening…. have a decent idea of why it’s happening… and sense the overall outcome will be incredibly positive….and others do not.

It’s important, now more than ever to be strong.

But, what does that mean… to be strong?

What I mean by it is to dare…

To be a really nice person… even among others who may be acting wildly out of fear and chaos.

That’s what this is all about.

Being cool to others… when it counts.

It’s easy to be nice to people when you are feeling bubbly and others around you are as well.

The challenge… is when you are feeling nutty and others around you are being rude and pummeling their issues at you.

Being strong means… controlling yourself in the midst of this energy.

I’ll share with you a simple technique that has been working for me…

I get rude comments and mean people to deal with all the time since I am putting out so many videos…

Admittingly, my initial response is often very emotionally intense.

Like a stabbing in my chest… a welling up of a palpable (fear, anger, hurt… all wrapped up into one cloudy emotional storm)….

From this energy… an energy I… we… usually, are so passionate about ridding from ourselves as fast as possible… it can be extremely difficult to not project that right back at the perceived source.

This is the egoic reactionary response however, that only adds fuel to the fire that is already way out of control.

***Case In Point**** (brief side note)

As I was editing this email.. since my spelling skills are that of a 3rd grader… I looked up how to spell, “justifiable”…. I know it’s sad!

Well, you know, when you type a word into the google search engine… it starts listing other related words below…. which are ranked by the most often searched words…

So, I began typing in justifiable, and the most popular word right at the top was… “justifiable homicide”

That is a perfect sign of the collective madness we live in and the catastrophic ramifications of interacting this way.


Back to my story…

This very type of reaction…. will only put that ball of unnecessary conflict right back into the others court…. compelling them to justify themselves… regardless of who’s right or wrong.

The encounter has nothing to do with finding solutions…

This is a childish pattern that most human beings… including myself… are so conditioned to play out.

This pattern is now being reflected on the world stage in a huge an undeniable way.

You are here to BREAK that pattern.

It isn’t going to happen out there until it starts happening… right here… inside the hearts of you and me… and others awakening to their divine aspects.

It’s no easy task.

But, I did mention I had a technique that I have been practicing for a little while, and now I will share it with you so you can help in this worthy cause.

It’s simple… and hard to practice….. but really does work.

I challenge YOU…

Next time… and I doubt it will be very long from now….

The next time someone is rude, mean, or out of line with you….

* Take just a few moments before you respond.
* Expect your emotions to go crazy!
* Expect your mind to seek a clever response that you feel this person deserves for their wrong doing.
* In those brief moments… bring your attention to your heart.
* Attempt to see the other’s pain…. (which is the ONLY reason anyone lashes out)
* Choose to experience your potential compassion and love.
* Respond from that energy.

Regardless of what that person did or said… be nice to them…

As justified as you feel to be mean right back… DONT.

Be cool, friendly and respectful.

See the encounter as a nice opportunity to test out this new technique and improve your skills of being awesome to mean people…

That is why you are here.

That… right there, is what human beings need help learning.

If not from you… than who will teach them?

People ask me all the time how they can help their family and friends make the shift…

That’s how.

By the way… Don’t feel down on yourself if you aren’t perfect at practicing this.. just do your best.

That’s my challenge to you ๐Ÿ™‚

I am far from perfect at this myself… but since I have been doing it… I have become much better at it, and it feels really awesome, in a very pure way.

Not at all like a sanctimonious ego boost… it just feels good in my heart, and I bet you have a similar experience.

Ohhh… the full moon… yes!

Yeah… it’s a doozy.

You’ll be fine man… suck it up.. this is not about you or me.. or our own lives… this is about everyone… the whole…

With that said, i’ll hook you up with a great tip that will go a long way with this crazy moon.

Expect your circumstances and general state of being to fluctuate a LOT…

Don’t be quick to label anything, as your state of mind will be all over the place and constantly contradicting itself, for a lot of you.

Know… whatever is happening… there is a great reason for it…

Not just for the whole.. but for YOU and your own pursuit of having an enjoyable life, full of freedom, abundance, love, and passion.

The perceived “problems” you may be sorting through.. that at this point may feel overwhelming… are there to help you… very quickly have a kick ass life… a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Contrary to what your mind thinks about everything… divine timing and higher guidance are at work behind the scenes brining you everything you want…

But the awesome life will come in a way that you cant foresee…

So, don’t try to ๐Ÿ™‚

Let it be…

Let it play out… You’ll know what to do when the time is right.



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