3- Self Care Practices For The REALLY Challenging Ascension Symptoms

Back in 2011,  I was going through the REALLY  challenging awakening symptoms such as…

  • Extreme Fatigue – I felt like 100 years old
  • Spiritually Void- I felt like my spirit self was long gone for months at a time
  • Incredibly Sensitive- I would get really agitated very easily, and was very unbalanced
  • Life Chaos – My life was flipped upside down

I know a lot of you may relate, right now, to those symptoms above.

So, today I am going to share what I did for myself to make the best of it.

At least, back then, at that time, I understood what was going on with me, which helped.

I realized I was experiencing classic Ascension Symptoms, and that they were indicative of my accelerated awakening process…. So, it was a good thing.

Still though, it was a major nuisance to say the least!

After a while though, many months… I realized that if this period has gone on for this long, I might as well accept that it may go on a lot longer. For a while there, I was just waiting to feel better, but in a state of impatience and bitterness.

When I finally decided to make the most of it, I got really into… Self – Care Methods.

The whole idea is to…. accept that our body, mind, and spirit is going through an incredible transformation and this requires a great deal of energy.

We use a lot of our daily, life force, if you will and put it into this process, and that of course, leaves us with very little to maintain our normal life obligations…

However, there are things you can do that will help restore this life force… People around the spiritual clicks tend to call these things… (Self – Care Methods)

Here are 3 Self – Care Methods That Worked The Best For My Ascension Symptoms:

#1… Take time to do NOTHING… I am not taking about structured meditation.. I mean, I would literally lay on my bed and do nothing… not even sleep, just lay there.

I did however have the intension of allowing my energy…my kundalini… to run about as it pleased..

I would do this as needed throughout the day… and every time, after about 5-20 min depending on how long I had to spare… I would feel noticeably better.

One of the primary affects I noticed with the intense ascension symptoms was like my circuits were fried… overstimulated… Like my central nervous system, now super sensitive… had difficulty keeping up with all the life-input, and it just fizzled me out.. .and this led to more fatigue, irritability, etc…

This no brainer, laying down method was huge man…

#2. Long walks… I talk about walks so much and I know many of you want to smack me for mentioning it again, but dude… they help a ton…. In fact, I bet the ones who are annoyed with the mentioning of these walks are the ones not walking…

Here’s the deal…. when you feel crummy due to all these awakening symptoms, you don’t want to do anything….

I get it… the idea of going for a walk seems like a big pain in the ass… I agree.

But, movement… blood circulation… getting out of your head and back into your body…. being outside… all of this helps tremendously.

It’s like a lot of things in life… you never want to do it, but always feel better having done it.

#3. Establish a morning ritual. I have been really taking this part seriously as of lately because I feel the energies present remind me of how I felt many years ago.  I feel like a lot of people are going through what I went through back then. I am even, to some extent…

Some days, really just trying to survive another day!

A dedicated morning routine is probably the best way to reduce the symptoms, and even more importantly, keep your mindset positive, which affects everything.

Currently I am modeling Tony Robbin’s morning routine which looks like this…

  1. Wake Up – Jump into a freezing cold shower for a full 60 seconds…. Awesome! feels amazing man
  2. Drink a Full Bottle of Pristine Hydro Water – You know I always use protein shakers, so it’s like almost a liter maybe, 3/4
  3. I do his exact Pranayama technique (breathing technique)

Goes like this…

  • Sit in a chair upright, eyes closed
  • Make loose fists and pump them into the air, like a shoulder press
  • As you raise your fists, inhale deep
  • As you bring them down, exhale
  • Do this fairly fast, almost like the breath of fire
  • He does 3 sets of (3o reps) … I do 3 sets of 20 reps…

It’s somewhat advanced, but you can certainly build up your reps…

4. Moments Of Gratitude. I place my hands on my heart, and think of 3 things I am grateful for… This too has a powerful affect on your state of being.

That only takes about 3-5 minutes and the difference in my state of being is incredible.

I will take this further most days and perform my own master routine… that aligns me with my higher self, and allows me to sort of go through life in a channeling state… and basically allows my divine self to come through and influence my day to day decisions…

Many of my subscribers are now doing this with great success… In fact, I just updated my webpage with over a dozen testimonials of people who are getting awesome results with it…

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It is the exact set of postures, breathing techniques, and other spiritual practices that pulled me out of the darkest point in my life, and I have been doing it ever since.


I can’t stress enough that this summer’s energies are freaking hot man….

I feel like anything can happen, any second.  You may feel pulled in a thousand directions… Connected to the deepest level of spiritual bliss one second, and cast off into the void the next.

Your life may be racking up so many problems and issues, and you wonder how the heck you will ever deal with them…

You look around and see craziness out there on the world stage.

Your proverbial plate is overflowing and still there is some mad chef adding food and items to it every day….

This is to be expected at this time guys…

Accept that we are in the birth canal pushing with contractions like 2 seconds apart..

Take good care of yourselves…

Dedicate time to yourself every day to be your best.

You deserve it, and you will feel better for doing it 🙂






Victor’s Courses & Programs


Mood Shift (My Personal Ascension Grounding Morning Routine)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (NEW Program)

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