Is Your Purpose Calling You?

Are you starting to feel a pull to do more of what you love and enjoy doing?

Are activities that you…deep down… don’t enjoy doing….starting to seem more intensely unfulfilling?


This is good man…

It’s a sign your true purpose is starting to call to you…

Well, in a sense, it’s always been calling… but now you are starting to hear it…

This is big!

So much of your discontentment for life in general, stems from the aching emptiness you feel as a result of having, not discovered your purpose…

Don’t worry… you have one.

I know it can seem like you don’t.

I am sure there were times in the past that you thought you found it, and the let down that ensued once you realized that… that thing….wasn’t it… was brutal.

I had that happen to me, what seemed like, a million times.

Every time I would swear off the whole search of my purpose…chalking it up to just another fantasy type of delusion like… “The American Dream.”

But like you… there came times in my life where it would call to me.

It calls to us, often, by revealing…. with greater depths of clarity… the things in our lives that are not in alignment with the version ourselves that has discovered their purpose…

This can be a struggle because… here you stand…

Yet to find that elusive purpose… and now the things in your life that once seemed appropriate… not even they are working…

So the temporary circumstance of feeling totally abandoned and empty can sting…


Just on the other side of that fleeting period, is the potential to discover your true purpose.

And trust me…

When you do… whatever struggles were necessary for you to go through in order to find it… will be worth it.

Don’t give up…

Embrace what you love.


Victor’s Courses & Programs


Mood Shift (Take Charge Of Your Awakening)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (28 Day Program To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy)

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