How Long Will This Process Last!?

I used to wonder…

How long is this taxing and arduous process going to freaking last!

I am guessing you have as well?

While I don’t believe anyone can tell you the answer to that question…

I can share a few ideas… to help you awaken faster than I did…

I had no real guidance so I winged the whole thing basically. (prolonging the experience a lot!)

However,  now in retrospect I can see…. very clearly…. that there are a 3 key elements that… had I known…

I could have spared myself A LOT of time… and agony.

The first one… which is technically a 4th key element is stop asking…. “how long”… and start asking…

“how can I awaken faster and smoother than i am right now?”

That is a more useful and action – oriented question… that I will answer right now;

3 – Ways To Speed Up & Smooth Out Your Awakening

#1. View ALL Of Your Challenges, Set Backs, and “Problems” as OPPORTUNITIES 

Of course… none of us particularly enjoy the experience of a set back or challenge….

But… for the LONGEST time.. I dreaded, resisted, and complained anytime I would encounter one.

I basically took, what could be a fleeting challenge/learning experience…. and prolonged and intensified it, causing my awakening to take much longer than necessary and far more miserable…

However, once I tweaked my definition for what a challenge or problem represents…. everything went a heck of a lot more smoothly.

Label them as opportunities and you will experience them as that… allowing for each and every problem to, ultimately have a positive affect on you and your life, and draw you that much closer to your “home vibration.”

#2. Become Skilled At Self-Discovery

In my experience… unraveling my true core self… sifting through and plucking out all of the trapped,

  • Emotions
  • Self-Limiting Beliefs
  • Inner Contractions/Fear
  • Heavy Energy Baggage

Is a skill…

The process including… (The initial feeling or sensing that “something” is coming up… to actually discovering what that something is and tangibly releasing it) is a process that I have become very good at. (and you can too)

In the past.. I would wonder for months… (Why is this happening?!)  This is so horrible and unfair!

I would get totally lost in the manifestations of these energies attempting to purge out of me…

Often times, because I was so poor at learning the lessons… I would attract more severe physical consequences into my life to finally illuminate the message for me.

Now… I can literally figure these lessons out… many times in less than one day! (not always but many times)

Some days I will have like 1/2 dozen breakthroughs!

I have learned how to read the signs… go within… do my thing… and boom!  Gone!

I share a lot about how to do this in my videos and even in my most recent email I gave you guys a few tips for how to have these breakthroughs…

Here is one of my very first videos!  It explains a great technique for purging trapped emotions…

Watch it ==> HERE.

To do this however, you need to label all of your problems as solutions in disguise… and use them to help you uncover the mystery of yourself…

#3. Raise More Kundalini Energy

Everyone has kundalini energy. (The Energetic Component To Awakening)

Kundalini is  just a subtle energy we all possess to varying degrees.

Many of you guys have more kundalini active than normal people.

However, there are meditation techniques, dietary modifications, particular spiritual techniques, and certain yoga postures that are proven to stimulate anyone to release MORE of this powerful energy.

The more kundalini you have active.. the faster & more organized your awakening will be…

Your kundalini energy is what opens your chakras… brings to the surface your trapped emotional densities…. and heightens your intuitive guidance system.

Unfortunately, I can’t ethically tell you in this email how to do this because it’s such a powerful and transformative force… that requires proper training…

I do however have a training course that will tell you exactly how to safely raise more of your kundalini energy and catapult your awakening experience to new heights.

Right now it’s only $27, but I am in the process of adding some awesome bonuses to it…. that you and anyone else who buys it will get automatically… but at that point it will jump up to $47… (probably in under a week)

You can learn more about this program…   ==> HERE.

Raising my kundalini is one thing actually I did do… but I did it in a very overzealous and immature way…

In doing so I actually caused tremendous imbalance to myself…

That’s why I created this program… because, in the end, the kundalini helped me so much, but raising it the way I did (with magic mushrooms, rock n roll music, and chakra meditations) caused me some issues.

If I had this kundalini awakening guide, I could have gotten all the benefits and none of the complications.

So, thats it folks…

Don’t think of your awakening in terms of… “How long will it take?”

I did for way too long and made things much harder on myself.

Ask yourself… “How Can I Awaken Faster & Smoother Than I Am Right Now?”

Use those 3 tips and you will be well on your way!





Victor’s Courses & Programs


Mood Shift (Reduce Symptoms, Feel More Balanced, and Manifest Faster)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (28 Day Program To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy)

Private Skype Session (Limited Availability)

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