Have You Ever Asked Yourself This Question?

This is one of those questions that only you guys will be wondering…

I am sure you would agree that your awakening has been basically... reveling who and what you are NOT.

Right? (thats been my experience anyway)

This then begs the question…

“Who Am I Then?”

“What Am I?”

This goes even deeper than a typical mid-life identity crisis… 

Your awakening will strip you so bare that you can sometimes feel totally empty… 

Completely clueless as to who and what you are… what you stand for… what you really enjoy…

It all gets thrown up into question, and sometimes you have an experience of pure unknown and just… blankness.

And to go through life up until this point only to discover that you have absolutely no clue as to who and what you are… can be frustrating.

It seems that all of the things you used to think you were… are falling away faster than your mind can keep up with and all that is left is that philosophical and slightly unsettling question.

What you are going through is a process that is systematically causing you to completely fall apart…

Everything you thought you were is burning up into ashes before your very eyes.

And though… temporarily you are left in what can feel like a deep, dark void of nothingness…

Trust me when I say…

When you start to catch glimpses – (and you ALL will)…  of who and what you really are…

it’s all worth it.

When this happens… you will experience a resonance so DEEP into your core that it may very well bring you to tears…

It’s a strange sensation similar to a memory… but you’re remembering that you already knew it! 

I had this experience last night…

I was driving home from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and the whole family was sleeping…

It was so nice to have several hours left alone to ponder my thoughts, my life, and current direction.

In doing so… as happens quite frequently when we give ourselves the time and space to simply “BE” with ourselves… I experienced a flooding of personal insights and revelations.

These realizations were all about my identity… 

I sat in amazement as I saw with greater lucidity than ever before, just how much… nearly ALL of my personality and character has been constructed out of unconscious programming. (mostly from my parents and upbringing) 

I won’t get into all of the details, but after a number of personal revelations of this nature, I found myself feeling like an empty ball, just floating through space… completely unaware of who or what I am… and what I’m really about.

At this point… as I often do…. I asked myself… (Who Am I?)

***Quick Time Out***

Did you know you can do that? (Ask yourself questions and actually get answers?)

Dude, if you haven’t been talking to yourself… you are missing out!

You can ask yourself just about any question, and if you can remain open… many times in only a few seconds or minutes.. you will get the answer through synchronicity.

When you hear the expression… “All of the answers you seek are within.” – that’s not just a metaphor… 

Anyways, that’s what I did. I asked myself… “Who Am I?”

In that moment, I changed the radio station and one of my favorite songs came on the radio…

“Imagine” by, John Lennon.

And when he sang… “they call me a dreamer… but I’m not the only one.”

I felt the lyric, “dreamer” shoot into my body as if it possessed physical mass and pierce deep into the very core of my being… filling me with a feeling of euphoria and spiritual bliss.

It brought me to tears…

I was like… YES!

That… I KNOW I am! – I could actually feel it.

I really am a person who believes in miracles, and lives a life of faith and stands for spreading love, compassion, and higher consciousness.

It was like those qualities and core values finally locked into place for me.

I realized that our true nature… unlike the ego identity, is unshakable, stable, solid.

Our ego is constantly being wounded by anything that contradicts it’s limited and faulty understanding of it’s self, but our true self, which we are all in the process of re-discovering really does seem to offer an experiential… deep internal peace.

The reason I’m sharing this story is…

I suspect many of you will find yourself in that void, if not now, than soon to varying degrees…

The energies on the planet are really climaxing and more powerful and penetrating than ever before.

So, if you find yourself floating around in that desolate void as I was…


It means you have really stripped a lot away which will of course make room for more of your real self to emerge and start influencing your life in very positive ways.

Only in that void…

Absent of the illusory mental abstractions of ourselves that we think is actually us… can we discover our true nature.

And the discovery of our TRUE identity… and more specifically….

the experience of figuring out that our true identity is so vast, eternal, loving, and simply AWESOME that it’s beyond words….  makes every struggle totally worth it.

Talk to you soon, 



PS… Skype Sessions Are Back!

Many of you heard in a recent video that I stopped doing them, but in having so many of you reach out to me expressing how much you were looking forward to doing one, I decided to bring them back…

I am not taking very many though, only about 3-5 per week.

I uploaded a quick video explaining how to book a session with me.

I also lowered the rate as I realized that many who really need one may not be in a place to afford my previous ones…

You can learn more about booking a session with me by clicking here

My Courses and Programs (That Help With The Awakening Process)


Mood Shift (Manage Your Ascension Symptoms)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (28 Day Program To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy)

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