September New Moon: (Black Moon) – ENERGY UPDATE

There is a brand new wave of energy we are all immersed in…

I know you can feel it because it’s strong and noticeably different.

Many of us are attempting to organize ourselves as this wave has tossed us a round a bit… 

The essence of this email will describe this new energy mostly… 

But the New Moon itself… happening tonight is what will bring in a sense of getting back our bearings…

Re-establishing an equilibrium… getting a feel for this new energy.

Anytime something like this happens, it’s usually initially experienced as getting swept off our feet…

Sort of like when you are driving your car on a long stretch of highway, late in the evening…

You start to doze off a bit… not completely, but enough that when a squirrel jets across the road you feel that JOLT!

That jolt is always… well… jolting 🙂  startling…. catches you off guard, but shortly after you feel…

Wide awake… alert…. present…. clear… confident you will make it safely to your destination.

You realize that it’s dangerous to get too sleepy while at the wheel… while living your life.

That feeling of shock when you are spooked like that is never pleasant, but better to be a small rodent and a minor swerve than a head on collision with a mac truck. 

You end up thanking that squirrel for the wake up call it provided you with.

The energy at this moment is akin to a prolonged feeling of when that squirrel catches you off guard… but the New Moon is going to bring in the positive and uplifting affects that come as the result. 

You Can Watch The Video Below

3 – Themes & Characteristics Of This New Moon’s Energy

#1. Bumping Into Our Ego On The Way To Our Dreams…

This affect started off more on the mild side… An amount we could keep pace with…

Perhaps you were getting synchronicities that brought to your attention a belief you are holding… or some doubt you are feeling that can clearly be seen as a road block to your forward progress towards a goal or dream.

This was okay because, what was brought up, was sort of obvious… something easy to spot and let go of…

However that was just the beginning…

This started to ramp up a lot… to the point where so much has been flaring up.

Both the authentic and egoic part of us has been being reflected all over the place.

You may find yourself going back and forth about something… a big life change or direction… several times per day.

Discerning between the ego and the true self… may be temporarily a challenge to distinguish.

You may question… am I still sifting through doubts and mis-aligned beliefs along the way to my dreams… or are my dreams and course of direction what needs to be adjusted?  (often it’s both)

You may not know what the heck to do… what you want… where you want to go… or why you want to do anything… it’s all up in the air.

We have shifted so much in such little time that our core beliefs are crumbling, and the result is a temporary state of utter confusion.

Sometimes we tend to get more lost in our own inner drama than we think is beneficial… It can feel like we are consumed by it and can’t see the way out.

However, this moon will be a turning point and as unclear as your life may temporarily feel… the clouds and fog will lift as they always do, brining light and clarity to all of which you may be presently be wrestling with.

I know it can feel like the awakening is huge curse…. a heartless process, devoid of any real game plan, seeming at times to possess not a shred of divine influence.

However that is simply a fleeting symptom of our illusions being shattered… now faster than ever.

#2. Mind-blowing Rate Of Manifestation

In a recent video I talk about what I call, “Phony Synchronicity,” which simply means a physical representation (signs) of our false self… our conditioned self.

So rather than something that reflects our true self such as… seeing 11:11 or another symbol that reminds us we are on the right path… we will see signs that are attempting to bring ego aspects to our attention.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to tell whats what…

You may see MORE synchronicity and signs than ever before… but they may be contradicting and hard to decipher.

They are contradicting… big time… because most of us right now….. are not fully awake and therefor putting mixed vibrations/intensions out there into the cosmos.

A part of us wants this… and another part of us doubts….

A part of us thinks this… and another part of us thinks that.

However, now rather then being a faint inner battle of the mind… you can see literal evidence of this inner conflict all over the place!

Your world is starting to truly reflect… almost instantly… what ever’s at the surface of your consciousness in the form of dreams, synchronicity, and physical life experience.

Good luck keeping up with it all!

When this happens, you just gotta let it play out… clarity will come… as you continue expanding.

Don’t be in a hurry to decide something solid when this is happening, rather remind yourself that all of this is in the process of being sorted out…

This new moon should help you finally come to some more solid conclusions about all of the things going on in your life… but in the meantime… just observe, take note of any repeating patterns, and do your best to patiently allow the full puzzle to come together before making any firm decisions.

#3. Dark Necessities

We are no longer playing the game of spiritual awakening…

It’s getting far more real and sobering than ever before. 

And as we do this… we are seeing the ego mindset that has dominated mankind for thousands of years for the monster that it is.

The raw consequence of billions of people living a life from the perspective of being separate… is no longer a peripheral experience, easy to turn away from.

And in the beginning we saw this… “out there”… in them.

Now you may be seeing it in yourself more.

Your life may even manifesting situations to solidify this heightened awareness so that you have sufficient motivation to become the kind of person the world needs to see more of.

These situations…. these dark necessities… even though they can be rough to go through… are the catalyst we need to truly transform ourselves…

To transcend ourselves…

To ascend above the local perspective of, ME…

and start actually living life from the perspective of… WE.

In Conclusion:

I don’t have to tell you that this dimensional shift is really starting to take place… become obvious

This schism…

This splitting…

This ascension…

It’s happening…

And there’s no turning back…

And though right now it seems pretty grim as we look out there in the world as humanity manifests what been held in it’s heart for thousands of years…

And as we manifest/purge what we have been holding on to for many lifetimes…

The fact that people like you are here… Lightworkers… a Lightbearers… Masters in disguise is why the world is going to experience only a sneaky squirrel racing by… rather than a mac truck collision.

Namaste to you all…. and thank you for your courage, patience, and service you are providing at this time…



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How To Awaken Your Kundalini (28 Day Program To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy)

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