Ascension Symptoms – (Boiling Rage!)

ascension symptoms - rage

I just launched a full water bottle down my stairs. Just kidding… No.. I wish I was! It’s true 🙁 The self proclaimed spiritual awakening guy on youtube just flipped out… BIG TIME I trust I am among friends and you will forgive my indiscretion. My kids were really acting up all day. Come evening…

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Getting Sick (A LOT) During Your Awakening…

My entire family is sick. Growing up, my mom coddled the heck out of me anytime I had the slightest discomfort and consequently, I have always been a huge baby anytime I would get sick. So, when I began experiencing cold/flu like symptoms just about every other week, for the span of several years, due to…

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How To Find Your Life Purpose – (for impatient lightworkers :)

I suppose there are those rare souls who are fortunate enough to have their purpose fall into their lap with effortless grace. I think a lot of people are waiting for such a time. Not me! I was…. and still am… far too impatient to play the waiting game. I will tell you how I…

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Ascension Energy – (September 2016 Ascension Energy Update)

Can you already feel the difference? The energy is very different already, in the early part of September. The word that pops into my head is, “Speed.” But, not in an uncomfortable sense… not at all. (At least no more than we have grown accustomed to 🙂 What I mean is that the, rate at…

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Ascension Hacks – (High Vibration Hot Spots)… a lightworker’s sanctuary

I recently discovered something so simple and yet so incredibly powerful! Many of you guys know I have been spending time in my local cemetery, which of course sounds weird… I do this because I live in a city and this cemetery is like a beautiful oasis of nature in this built up place I…

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Why You Should Always Trust Your “Higher Self”- (aka… your intuition)

In this video I share a couple stories from my own experience that demonstrates the brilliance and vast perspective of our higher self.. or our, “higher mind”…. the s0ul. It wants to be the prime director in our lives and can bring you just about anything you could possible imagine… The problem is that it’s…

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Don’t Worry You’ll Get There…

I know… It takes WAY longer than you want and it can feel like you’re hardly making any progress… With things happening so FAST, its easy to feel like you can’t keep up with the pace. Every issue you transcend is quickly replaced with something even bigger and deeper. And how on earth does one make any…

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New Moon & Solar Eclipse – (Golden Opportunities)

The time has never been more ripe and pregnant with potential. (Today is a New Moon & Solar Eclipse) There exists within… usually the (3-5 days prior and after) any moon and especially an eclipse… a powerful window where you can allow significant and life changing transformations to occur. And yet, most people miss these opportunities completely.…

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The Type Of Synchronicity You Should IGNORE – (Phony Synchronicity)

Synchronicity can be a wonderful form of divine guidance from your higher self, spirit guides, or deceased loved ones… However…. now… the game has changed. Synchronicity, what once was always messages from above now have the potential to be something very different… Not in a scary way or anything of the sorts… but synchronicity can…

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Mercury Retrograde! – (Energy Reading)

On August 30th… the planet Mercury goes, “retrograde.” For those of you who don’t know what this means or implies… It’s just an astrological alignment that occurs, usually a few times per year and creates a very UNIQUE energy state for the time being, that lasts about a few weeks… EVERYBODY is always dreading it… …

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