
After 8 long years of being bounced around by the powerful ascension energies...

I finally reached "rock bottom." I thought I had hit rock bottom like a thousand times prior, but this was REALLY my rock bottom.

I had recently closed down my gym and was on the verge of bankrupsy...

My inner guidance system (intuition), that carried me through EVERYTHING... was completely gone.... and my I had never felt so hopeless in my life.

I was literally suicidal.

If I didn't have a family, I would have surely offed myself, no question, I was that low.

Finally, after launching a folding chair across my basement... shattering a main pipe... spewing water everywhere... I just laid down on the cold basement floor...

Totally Broken

In that moment of utter dismay... out of the blue, a positive thought bubbled up into my consciousness.

It was more of like a neutral thought, which was still noticed immediately, in contrast to my previous thoughts & feelings of paranoia, despair, and self-loathing.

The thought said... "You don't feel this way when you are in alignment."

Meaning to me... when I feel that state of, "connectedness" with my spirit... my divine nature.... (I know you know what I'm talking about)  THAT feeling


"I suppose that's true,"  I thought.

However, even with 8 years experience doing my best to navigate these stormy seas of the incoming ascension energies, I had failed to have any control over my state of being.

But I wondered... "what if I could find a way to... put myself... into alignment?"

I thought that if I could get & STAY in alignment... all the time, than my life would completely change.

I knew that when I was feeling tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to my higher self... my experience of life... in all ways, was incredibly positive.

When you are totally "on your game" feeling the bliss of your unrestricted flow of alignment with your highest potential self... things go so smooth, its almost magical!

Synchronicity flows like water and you can soar through your day, with the effortlessness, grace, and confidence of an eagle.

Totally filled with excitement, passion, strength, love, and wisdom...

The problem, again, was I could never "hold on to that state of being"...

It always seemed to come and go.

Can you relate?

But that day... that incredibly depressing day, I had the resurgence of hope.

For whatever reason, the tides were turning and I felt in my gut the possibility that I might discover a way to choose to put myself into alignment and most importantly, STAY there.

I felt like that was the whole reason for plummeting to such a low.

I knew if I could do that, regardless of how messed up it was... I could turn my life around.

Sure enough,

I did find a way... and my life blossomed like never before! A Total 180!

Shortly after that dark day, I crafted a system that utilized talents and skills that I acquired over the course of my life.


Kundalini Yoga (I am a certified instructor)

Bioenergetics ( I used this on my personal training clients all the time... with great success)

Stillness Meditation (Spent years mastering dozens of powerful meditation techniques)

Visualization (Used this to quickly build a 6 figure gym business in under a year, from scratch)

So, I played around different combinations of these 4 techniques for a while.

Finally, I was able to harmonize them in such a way that took all of their strong points and nullified all of their weaknesses...

The result is a daily ritual that I now do, that keeps in in a very potent flow of energy, totally grounded, and aligned with my higher self... nearly at all times.

To my amazement I did discover a way to... put myself into that magical state of divine alignment... on command.

(It's how I am able to make my energy reading videos)

People always tell me the like my energy... that's why... I do this routine every day.

I still experience some degree of ups and downs with these new frequencies coming in, but generally I feel cool and connected.

I feel much more detached from them.... Like I know they are happening within me, but I don't care... lol... I don't get all bent out of shape.

I can remain the observer and go on with my life, nearly unaffected.

Another amazing bonus that was unexpected was,

 I discovered my true purpose....(something I totally gave up on) and have been quickly building the life of my dreams.

More importantly, I am finally enjoying the process.

I am enjoying the earthly experience... something I desperately longed to escape from for a long time.

This program I discovered,  has turned my life around in ways I can't begin to express in words.

The best part is that it's super easy and does the trick every time.

It can predictably put me and anyone else into their highest vibrational potential and in full alignment with their core self.

After getting so many people asking me what my, "Secret" was...

Finally, I took this program and made it into an... (easy to follow, step by step routine that ANYONE can learn and perform in the privacy of their own home)

Once I did that, I was flooded with emails and messages from people saying how much it had helped them turn their lives around...

I realize now that going so low as I did.... caused me to create something to help others avoid reaching that depth...

Now, finally, I can look back at my awakening journey and see the value of every single challenge I experienced.

Anyways... that's my awakening story.... how I personally made the shift.

If you felt you could relate to my story and feel like maybe, your life is out of control... your emotions are unbalanced, and feel like you could use a proven program that can finally give you a sense of control of yourself.... help you come into your own divine alignment.... and stay there, than this program is a no brainer!

You can learn more about it --> HERE...

Thank you for reading my story here... I wish you nothing but the best... and yet I know that you don't need luck... you already possess all the power you need to achieve the life you want. You just have to uncover it.



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