5- Awesome Books To Read During Your Spiritual Awakening

When I was feeling like a crazy person… all alone during my awakening… I often found solace in books. Fortunately, there are a ton of books that I have read along my path that have helped me… not only, not feel alone, but offered genuine information, motivation, and inspiration to keep me going another day.…

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You Made It! (July’s Energy Boost)

Congratulations man… you made it! I have been going at this for a long while and July was one of the most accelerated months I have experienced to date. I know I am not alone because I hear from you guys so much ๐Ÿ™‚ We all deserve a big pat on the back. I believe…

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In this new video… I talk about how… a spiritual awakening causes you to become super sensitive. This is a huge blessing… But… In the beginning before everything has a chance to balance out and you come to terms with what’s happening… it can feel like a major curse. In this video I am going…

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5- Steps To Release Self Limiting Beliefs Permanently

Hey guys, If there is one surprising realization that my awakening has shown me… It’s the extent of, just how much our beliefs influence our lives (on all levels). The clarity and ability to see the connection has only grown… and in that growth it has allowed me to pick out my self-limiting beliefs and…

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3 – Ways To Attract High Vibration Relationships… (Find Your Tribe)

It can be lonely out there man… I know… I used to look up to the stars… wishing to find my soul mate. I remember always having a fluctuating blend of faith… and hopelessness…. It does eventually happen though! But it’s not because the universe feels sorry for you and throws you a bone… No!…

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Deep Meditation (5 – Easy Ways To Get Really DEEP)

Deep Meditation – How To Dive Really DEEP: Like many things in life, meditation is not much value if you don’t do it well. Meditation is all about depth… The thing is.. there are many extremely common barriers that beginner meditators bump into… Sadly this often times leads to them giving up and abandoning meditation…

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Relationships With People (NOT – Awakening)

Today I want to talk about relationships… as they are a VERY popular and prevalent topic among the awakening. Relationships can be one of the most confusing aspects of a human life…. Right? When you add a spiritual awakening into the mix… “fogetaboutit!” As confusing and challenging as certain relationships become as a result of…

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Awakening Symptoms – (Hypersensitivity)

Hey guys, So, I get a lot of complaints about the hypersensitivity aspect of awakening. I purposely used the word….”complaint”….because that’s exactly what they are… I used to have the same attitude… but now I don’t I view the hypersensitivity in a totally different light, and that has allowed me to… Turn if ON &…

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Spiritual Awakening and Depression (Why Awakening Causes Depression)

Spiritual Awakening and Depression tend to go hand in hand for most people. The funny thing is… Depression… is quite helpful for navigating the spiritual awakening process, yet is judged by collectively agreed upon definitions as something negative…. something to be dealt with… and tends to cause the person experiencing it to feel like they…

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Energy Update – (Post – Full Moon EXHALE)

I see a lot of updates, reports, readings….etc…. about the moons and alignments… but not so much about the energy states that occur AFTER these powerful periods… They too are unique and warrant discussion… especially now… this summer… Here we go ๐Ÿ™‚ I call this type of energy…. the…. EXHALE This recent full moon was…

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