How Long Will This Process Last!?

I used to wonder… How long is this taxing and arduous process going to freaking last! I am guessing you have as well? While I don’t believe anyone can tell you the answer to that question… I can share a few ideas… to help you awaken faster than I did… I had no real guidance…

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Awakening Symptoms – (Hypersensitivity)

Hey guys, So, I get a lot of complaints about the hypersensitivity aspect of awakening. I purposely used the word….”complaint”….because that’s exactly what they are… I used to have the same attitude… but now I don’t I view the hypersensitivity in a totally different light, and that has allowed me to… Turn if ON &…

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Energy Update – (Post – Full Moon EXHALE)

I see a lot of updates, reports, readings….etc…. about the moons and alignments… but not so much about the energy states that occur AFTER these powerful periods… They too are unique and warrant discussion… especially now… this summer… Here we go 🙂 I call this type of energy…. the…. EXHALE This recent full moon was…

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Ascension Q & A – (Kundalini Symptoms, Relationships, Immortality, and Aliens!)

4th Density Ascension Q & A 👽NEW VIDEO👽 #1. How do I deal with having so many crippling kundalini/ascension symptoms… they are taking over my life. #2. My awakening was going quite swell 🙂  BUT… now I am in a relationship and I feel crazy and unbalanced again. #3. My kundalini symptoms are causing me…

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Lightworkers: (5 – Signs You Need More Self-Care In Your Life)

The energy present this summer is straight up…  of the charts! Not only for you and me, but for the entire collective as well. Being that you and I are so sensitive and empathic, we feel this on a physical level. During times like this, it can be very helpful to do some extra, self-care. How…

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Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – (Dealing With BLOCKAGES)

Spiritual Awakening moves you forward FAST… With this great speed however, we often times experience, what seems like an acceleration of problems, issues…”blockages.” These blocks can be mental, emotional, and many times physical/ literal – life blockages… Most of the time it’s all 3 at once! In this video I am going to share 3…

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3 Ascension Hacks: A Cheat Sheet For Spiritual Awakening

There are a million and one attractive ascension tangents…. that take so many people off on unnecessary detours. In all of it’s seeming complexity…your awakening is actually very simple in nature. The spiritual awakening process simply aims to help you…..”uncover your true self.” In keeping with the theme of brevity, I won’t go any further…

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When You Don’t Know What To Do

That feeling…. Knowing something needs to change… to shift.…and yet, genuinely not knowing what that change should be… Many times your life starts talking to you through actual physical events, synchronicity, and  in your dream state… Parallel to these external messages is an internal feeling….  that you have to make a move… and the move relates…

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The ONE Thing All Lightworkers LACK

Lightworkers are highly talented individuals… jam packed with unique and special qualities… Their is one thing though… ONE thing that lightworkers completely and hopelessly LACK… Do you know what that one thing is? It’s Are you ready? Here it is… PATIENTS! **case in point 🙂 Why Lightworkers Lack Patients… My assumption has always been… it’s…

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Ascension Energy: (Late-June 2016 Ascension Energy Update)

Wow! That’s all I can say about the current ascension energies present. I feel very strongly that many of us… the ones working towards their highest vibrational in a conscious way… are heading for a massive precipice of energy, coming this fall. Many are saying that this fall is the shift we have all been…

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