Ascension CLIMAXES: (Have You Had A Soul-Quake?)

Throughout our awakening we experience what a favorite channeler of mine, Bashar, calls, “soul-quakes.” These are multi- faceted awakening, “climaxes.” They pretty much suck… to experience. On all levels they are stressful, disorienting, and unpleasant. However, they do allow you to jump up a nice sized notch in your vibrational frequency. Have You Had A…

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3- Ways To Control Your CRAZY EMOTIONS During Awakening…

Controlling your emotions seems totally impossible most of the time, and quite honestly… it is! However, I have come into some pretty cool techniques and mental shifts that have allowed me to go on about my life… not so much controlled by these crazy emotions… In the video below I will share 3 powerful things…

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Ascension Symptoms: (INTENSE Rage)

ascension symptoms - rage

We all go a little MAD sometimes… During your awakening… you some times go…well…quite frankly…. NUTS…  from time to time.. Right? Have you ever had one of those totally crazy outbursts, where you feel…  almost possessed? Where you drop whatever is in your hands and start punching the nearest couch cushions like a lunatic? Ha!…

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7-Day Energetic DETOX

Have you been feeling a bit  addictive, fidgety, and overly focused on distractions outside of yourself? This manifests in… watching more tv than normal… compulsively checking your email, facebook, and other social media feeling addicted to your smart phone drawn to simple pleasures in the form of food, sex, and alcohol Many times the energies sort of…provoke…

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4D Ascension Symptoms: Feeling Socially Awkward?

When you begin your journey of 4th Density Ascension you inevitably experience a crazy range of fluctuating symptoms that can throw you off socially… I was a personal trainer at the time of my 4D awakening, which meant I had to be in social situations, almost every day! Not only that, but I had to be,…

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Do you think you might be a lightworker? I will say quite simply that if you find yourself in the midst of a radical shift in consciousness, spiritual awakening, and perhaps even a bit of a life-crisis, than there is a good chance that you are. I have compiled 7 Signs that will help you…

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ASCENSION SYMPTOMS: (Simple Solution For 4th Density Awakening- Symptoms)

Today in this NEW VIDEO,  I discuss my preferred method to deal with Spiritual Awakening, Ascension, and Enlightenment type symptoms… Really, all those words imply the same fundamental process. A process that causes a lot of different physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. Common Spiritual Awakening/ 4th Density Ascension SYMPTOMS: 1. Extreme Fatigue 2. Difficulty Sleeping 3. Head…

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Spiritual Awakening/ 4th Density Ascension – VLOG

What’s up guys? So, I started this, Spiritual Awakening/ 4th Density Ascension- PROCESS…VLOG… I don’t believe anyone is doing this and thought that it may be helpful for others to see that they are not going crazy! And, most certainly, that they aren’t alone in this journey…this plunge into the unknown. I started going through…

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Ascension Energy Update: (March 2016)

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