3 Things You Should Know About The (August Energies)

Yesterday I was a total wreck. I had such a DEEP emotional purge going on… and it came out of nowhere. In the span of about 8 hours… I went from feeling as confident as a king lion… to wanting to crawl into a shell and hide. This morning… I feel great again lol Who…

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July Energy Update – (Revving At A HIGHER Vibration)

Hey everyone! This is going to be an Energy Update for July… Already I can feel that the July energy is SUPER intense… but in a totally different way than June. Let’s dive in 🙂 #1. BIG Plans But NO Time or Energy June was a psychically charged month. I had a lot of fascinating…

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Next Time You Feel Lost (try this)

It’s actually rare that we TRULY don’t know what to do. Ironically, we feel l lost all the time! The feelings of uncertainty are quite real and in great abundance… but in truth, clarity is always present. I am going to share with you a little technique that I sometimes use on my coaching clients…

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Are We ALREADY In The 5th Dimension?

5d earth - 5th dimension

Most of you are aware that there is a BIG shift going on… an ascension… a dimensional jump! We know this because life has already started to come unglued quite a bit. Do you have synchronicity? – like all the time!? Me too. THAT in itself is pretty crazy if you ask me… and it’s…

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Is Your Inner Voice Becoming LOUDER?

Is your intuition becoming louder? More obvious? Like, now a days you pretty much always… KNOW what you should be doing? Sometimes we really are clueless… but MOST of the time… we KNOW what that next step is, but just don’t feel like doing it. Maybe it scares us… or contains risks…  is out of the norm…whatever… we stall, hesitate, and…

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How To Tell If Your Vibration Is RAISING – (3-Signs)

is your vibrational frequency raising?

Is your vibrational frequency “raising?” I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that if you are reading an article of this nature than… YES! However, here are 3 quick signs that can help YOU discover if your vibration is raising… increasing… becoming more refined, etc. Sign #1. Crazy Ups & Downs. Do…

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Awakening Hack – (Helpful Tip For Healing Your Emotional Body)

This awakening goes DEEP… Way deeper than I could have ever imagined. I am going to share a surprising discovery… an “ascension hack” if you will… that will help you with… not all… but A LOT of your deep emotional issues… The clarity of our ever expanding awakening is helping us make these surprising connections…

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5-Tips For Thriving In INTENSE Energy

The awakening process is pretty intense every single day… right? We don’t really get a “day off.” But there are times… wether it be a day or a couple weeks where we are REALLY stretched to our limits. There does seem to be astrological influence on our life experience and during certain alignments, such as last…

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Lightworkers Often Neglect To Do This… (I was guilty of this as well!)

The spiritual awakening process is quite demanding… right? I know the last decade of my life has basically revolved around this 24/7 job that consists of… Making uncomfortable life adjustments Looking deeply at challenging, old emotions and past experiences Working hard to become the strongest version of myself Managing incredibly bizarre physical, emotional, and mental…

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How To Move On… From The “Hermit Phase Of Awakening”

One of my recent videos, “The Hermit Phase Of Awakening & When To Move On” has been my most successful video to date, already reaching nearly 100,000 people in only a couple weeks. The general response I got was… “YES!  I am right there in that phase… and YES I believe it’s time to move…

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