3 – Keys To MASTERING The Art Of Astral Projection
Astral projection…ie…(Having an Outer Body Experience)… is an incredibly life enhancing, expansive, and thrilling thing to do! The feelings of freedom that come along with the sensation of lifting out of your body is truly… life – changing… As awesome as astral projection feels… the, “after -affects” are possibly even more notable. Fear of death… For…
Ascension CLIMAXES: (Have You Had A Soul-Quake?)
Throughout our awakening we experience what a favorite channeler of mine, Bashar, calls, “soul-quakes.” These are multi- faceted awakening, “climaxes.” They pretty much suck… to experience. On all levels they are stressful, disorienting, and unpleasant. However, they do allow you to jump up a nice sized notch in your vibrational frequency. Have You Had A…
Ascension Energy – June 2016 FULL MOON Energy Report
This summer is really shaping up to be quite transformative. Wouldn’t you say? Transformation is not always easy nor pleasant… but always on the other end of it, as we look back, we are able to hold a space of gratitude for the powerful affects it has had on us. That, in a sense is…
3- Ways To Control Your CRAZY EMOTIONS During Awakening…
Controlling your emotions seems totally impossible most of the time, and quite honestly… it is! However, I have come into some pretty cool techniques and mental shifts that have allowed me to go on about my life… not so much controlled by these crazy emotions… In the video below I will share 3 powerful things…
Ascension Symptoms: (INTENSE Rage)
![ascension symptoms - rage](https://21stcenturyseeker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/rage-600x300.jpg)
We all go a little MAD sometimes… During your awakening… you some times go…well…quite frankly…. NUTS… from time to time.. Right? Have you ever had one of those totally crazy outbursts, where you feel… almost possessed? Where you drop whatever is in your hands and start punching the nearest couch cushions like a lunatic? Ha!…
Is It Time To Move On?
Lightworkers, When it comes to the Ascension or Spiritual Awakening Process… you are constantly put in confusing and uncomfortable situations.. Situations that truly do require some thought and careful consideration because the answer is not always crystal clear… Managing your shifting perception of reality means that as you continue on your ascension path, you will…
Orlando, Fl Shooting – (Opportunity To Be The Change)
On the ascent of humanities climb towards elevated levels of vibration and consciousness, there are large scale events such as the Orlando, Fl mass shooting that can cause even the most conscious people, question the point of it all. These events create a challenge to not get swept away in the undertow of negativity that…
5 – Habits Of A RELAXED Lightworker
How relaxed are you? If you are anything like I was during the struggles of my awakening, than.. NOT very… I was so uptight man… In fact, thats one of the reasons I think I was so fatigued all the time. It requires a great deal of energy to maintain a chronic state of tension…
Lightworkers: (Are You Asking The WRONG Question?)
I have freaked out in amazed frustration, countless times at the incredible speed my life has the ability to…COMPLETELY break down! What once seemed so safe, secure, and predictable… Is now falling apart so fast, my head is spinning! I even named this situation, which I have experienced countless times…. I call it the, “Break…
Ascension Symptoms – (Feeling Bi Polar?)…a lot
Ascension Symptoms – (Feeling Bi Polar?)…a lot Ascension can often cause one to feel a radical flux in their… -Mood -Emotional Stability -Outlook On Life -Perception of Reality Hmm… that sounds familiar doesn’t it? Funny… many years ago, during my early ascension symptoms & awakening… Like many of you, I thought I was losing my…