Ascension Symptoms: (ADDICTION)

I am going to share the 2 most important components to initially….CONTROLLING… but ultimately TRANSCENDING your —->Addiction.

Now… with that ambitious statement behind… this is my personal take on the matter and what has worked for me. (I have been clean from heroin for 13 years).

However, I do believe anyone who is presently struggling with addiction… of any kind.. will benefit from this short read.

I believe the timing is ripe for this post because when the Ascension Energies are so intense, as they currently are…. so often… our addictions become magnified..

Our desire to experience relief is off the charts.

The combination can lead to some pretty squirrely behavior.

Even many of you who don’t consider yourself an, “addict” may be acting out in compulsive ways and continually exhibiting behaviors that lead to consequences that you don’t prefer…and yet, keep doing it.

Maybe you want to reduce your back pain, lose weight, and have more mental clarity, and yet you find yourself eating ice cream every night. You know this behavior is in direct conflict with your goals, and yet here you are.

Wether you qualify as an addict by traditional standards or are that person on the couch…

This approach will help both ends of the spectrum.

My 2 – Fold Addiction Cure Formula:

Why the 2 steps Vic?

Can’t we just rid ourselves of the root cause of this addiction and be done with it…. I want to be FREE?

Yes…. going deep is the idea….

The addictive behavior is the very last step in a long chain of connected thought patterns,  emotional loops, reinforced behaviors… all of which step from a nasty – Core…usually composed of past pain and emotional stress.

Unfortunately, it’s usually not just….ONE thing… Rather this core is like an onion with several layers, and uncovering the layers is a bit of an ongoing and somewhat timely unfoldment.


You don’t have to totally conquer your addiction in order to stop acting out and exhibiting the severly consequenctial addicitive behaviors, that are causing your life to be a mess.

Step #1 – Controlling Your Addictive Behaviors So You Can Get Your Life Back

It took me like 1/2 a dozen stays in rehab before I was able to figure this one out.

I even had a straight up, divine encounter… I am talking a divine intervention, like out of a freaking movie!  It involved a real angel and a heavenly realm!

Even with that…. when I left rehab that time… I relapsed horribly.

So, no experience.. or one insight is going to do it… That was the lesson I learned from that experience.

What finally did it for me was to…. Dig In….. to the…. Self-Discovery…. JOURNEY. (this is step 1 in a nutshell)

I got excited and passionate about self-improvement.

I replaced my time wasting, self destructive, addictive daily habits and replaced them with habits that are representative of one who is on a mission to find himself!

I learned that this had to start with the people I hang with…

Now… this wasn’t easy… over 90% of the people around me at the time… even though I was in a drug halfway house… were still doing the same old shit.

I had to make the conscious choice to go and hang with people that were doing the opposite of what most others were doing.

In fact… I told myself…. “the people that you would naturally want to hang out with…. find people who are the OPPOSITE of that, and hang with them.”

I was 19, and hanging out with chain smoking, coffee fanatical, 50 year olds who went to AA meetings all the time, and were in bed by 9 at night…

Find a new crew…. find people who are on a similar path…

Next start some new habits.... Break up your old patterns.

This is what I was into…

  • I had a special morning routine, (meditation, cold showers, reading, etc…)
  • I devoured self- help books… or any other books relevant to one who is on the path of self- improvement
  • I exercised A LOT… even at 19 years old… with barley any money, I hired a personal trainer… I knew fitness was very important
  • I went to bed and woke up at the same time every day

I became very disciplined…. but the thing was.. because living that way was so new to me.. .I loved it…

Everyone around me was always bitching about their lives…. the half way house authority….etc… I really enjoyed myself.

I was having fun working on myself because I was seeing results.

When I got down to florida, I was super insecure, soft- spoken, unhealthy, and fearful.  But, after about 6 months, I was like a new person man… The sense of accomplishment was huge.

Did I still have a lot of baggage?

Of course!

Did I still have really difficult days, nights, and moments?

You bet! More than I can count.

But… I was creating such momentum with my new lifestyle that I was able to hold strong during those crucial times.

If I was hanging around the same knuckle heads, eating the same foods, and doing the same exact things as I was before…. when those challenging times came up… I wouldn’t stand a chance.


Sound familiar?

Get on the path man… .Get psyched up about the potential of who you can become…

As Tony Robbins says…. “If you’re not growing… your unhappy”

Make new friends…. start a new routine… and start growing!

Step #2 – Discover The Source Of Your Addiction

This is key obviously.

It’s not as simple about glossing through 12 steps.. It’s about doing the shit that you have been putting off this entire time.

Facing yourself…honestly.

This is never easy for anyone and yet you must do it a lot.

This… reason…. this core reason is most of the time… composed of many layers of pain that are painful enough to make you want to constantly avoid it.

You have to run in the direction of this pain. Discover what it’s really about… how it got there.. and why you choose to carry it around with you.

This ball of pain many times has a lot to do with your childhood, parents, and even past lives.

I am going to share a technique that will help you dive right to the root of all these different layers, so one by one, you can discover, heal, and move on from them.

As you do this, the compulsion… the addictive pull will get weaker and weaker.

Master Onion Peeling Technique

Next time you notice an addictive pattern playing out in your life, which I define as – (doing something that conflicts with who you want to be)…

Simply take a few minutes and sit down somewhere….

  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Clear your mind
  • Pose the question to yourself… (What is the source of this cycle, behavior, compulsion, etc?)
  • Breath and wait

Be aware of thoughts, emotions, mental images, memories, or anything that pops into your consciousness.

This core thing you are seeking… there is a part of you unconsciously pushing it away.

So, it will come in bits and pieces usually.

You wil get little clues… but if you keep at this, you will figure it out!

When you do… you will know it because it feel insanely awesome!

AHH HA!  Lightbulb… holy shit!  THATS why!

You will feel an energetic release… an emotional unburdening… you can feel this physically… literally.

The weight… the knot… the unconscious internal contraction that you have been clenching this entire time…. RELEASED.


Get good at this process and you will unravel yourself very quickly.

Once you let go of a bunch of this stuff…. combined with the new path you are on…. it will be natural that you wish to finally, let go of these energies, behaviors, cycles, that no longer make sense.

You had these unhealthy behaviors because at the time.. they did make sense.

You were in pain and unhappy, and the addictions helped you, albeit momentarily, feel better… so it did make some logical sense why you felt compelled to keep em around.

In your mind, the alternative was to feel unhappy all the time.

But.. when you start growing… and uncovering…. you become happy nautrally… more and more.

The addictive hold weakens… new.. very positive things will pop into your life… opportunities….experiences….. insights…. breakthroughs.

This momentum has no end..

You will be fucking rolling…PLOWING through life at the speed of light like a recovery master… a reformed bad ass on a mission.

You will inspire… you will feel depths of love that perhaps at this moment, you can’t even fathom.

You will have purpose…meaning…. a reason to live.

Your addiction will be…one day, viewed as the best things that ever happened to you.

Most people stroll through life with no meaning or purpose…always with a sad and unfulfilled hole in their chest..

They do this because it’s normal to live that way.

Yet, your insane and wild and outlandish addiction FORCED you onto a path towards true enlightenment and happiness and as you progress towards those states you will be grateful.

Addiction puts you on the master’s path…

Once an addict… now a master in training….

– Victor


Mood Shift (My Personal Ascension Grounding Morning Routine)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (NEW Program)

Private Skype Session (Limited Availability)