Having difficulty making tangible contact with your spirit guides?
I know this can be frustrating…
Here’s the thing though…
The whole idea is that we…. meaning… you and me… are here on the planet, during a time of great transformation.
This transformation is all about us becoming our own master.
With that said, I am going to help you understand,
- The purpose of a spirit guide
- Why you may be having difficulty connecting with them
- How you connect with them
The Purpose of a Spirit Guide
Spirit guides are just that; “guides.”
They are basically friends, family, members of your soul family who agreed to hang around with you in spirit form, to help you along on your path.
The thing is though…
It’s not their purpose to come when we want to speak with them… Rather, the agreement is that they will come when we actually, need them.
Their purpose is to make sure you do what you came here to do, and for most of you, especially if you are reading a blog such as this one, this means….
Allowing yourself to undergo a great spiritual transformation and attain true enlightenment in this lifetime.
There is a great need for souls, light workers, such as yourself to awaken at this time. The other people on the plant are in desperate need of shinning examples of awakened souls.
So, it’s important that you learn to make decisions based on your own intuition and knowingness, without needing to rely on your guides.
Trust me… when you need them, they will be there in a flash.
I was one who really wanted to connect with my guides, many years ago.
I was just like you. I felt very frustrated and even doubtful to their real existence.
However, throughout my journey, at times when I really needed an intervention of sorts, they came in and helped greatly.
In fact, at times they became almost annoying! They would not quit until I got their message.
Just recently in fact, I was struggling to take action in a certain direction. This direction made zero sense to me so I said, fuck that! NO way!
This time they showed up in literally every single dream I had.. Multiple each night.
It got to a point that, I found myself at like, 4:00 in the morning, saying….FINE!! OK!
What I was guided to do only took a second, and then after that…. they were gone.
I know what you’re thinking…
Why can some people connect with their spirit guides so easily?
Why You Might Be Having Difficulty Connecting With Your Guides:
It’s all about relevancy. The real question is… “Is it relevant for you to contact your guides at this moment in time?”
We all have a general life destiny.
Our human minds have the strong potential to become very derailed by tangents that are not necessarily important for our general destiny, purpose, and role in the grand scheme of things.
There is a reason why you have not been able to connect with your guides.
3 Reasons You Can’t Connect With Your Guides:
Reason #1: It’s not an appropriate time, you don’t need to, and it wouldn’t serve you best at this time
Reason #2: You are insisting that they communicate in a specific way, and perhaps they are attempting to make contact, but you are missing it.
Reason #3: It would cause you to become unnecessarily focused on a tangent that could cause you to deviate from your destined path.
Ok, ok… let’s hope it’s reason #2, and the following tips I will give you may open up the lines of communication a bit for ya 🙂
How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides:
Contacting your guides, angels, astral travel, and any other sort of physic ability you are looking to accomplish, requires a specific state of being…
This state of being is a huge paradox.
You must of course, intend for whatever you desire, but at the same time… you must also be in a state of allowance.. of not really giving a shit.
If you are super obsessed with a specific outcome, that will surely block whatever you want, including contact with your guides.
There is a good chance your guides are totally down to contact you, but they don’t want to nurture or reinforce a state of being that is counter productive.
So, my first piece of advice is to relax and try not to care so much. Try to let go into a simple state of trust that your path and life is unfolding exactly as it should.
For more tips on how you can contact your spirit guides… watch this video. “5 Easy Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Guides”