7-Day Energetic DETOX

Have you been feeling a bit  addictive, fidgety, and overly focused on distractions outside of yourself?

This manifests in…

  • watching more tv than normal…
  • compulsively checking your email, facebook, and other social media
  • feeling addicted to your smart phone
  • drawn to simple pleasures in the form of food, sex, and alcohol

Many times the energies sort of…provoke this behavior within us as a means of teaching is something about ourselves.

However, because this frazzled state of being, as uncomfortable as it is, becomes addictive and builds a momentum…  even when the energies pass, you may discover that you picked up a bunch of these little habits and addictions.

If this is you…

A 7 Day Energy Detox may be exactly what you need.

What is an Energy Detox?

A focused period of time where you “unplug” from all of these external distractions so that you can get back into alignment.

Alignment with your higher self/inner being…

Simply put, over the course of the next 7 days, we will re-set boundaries with all of these things…

  • Food
  • Alcohol
  • Smart Phones
  • Internet
  • Anything else you have been distracting yourself with

Of course, none of these things are inherently bad, but a certain amount of will power and intelligent planning is required to have a healthy relationship with them.

Okay… here we go 🙂

Day 1 (The Purge)

As you will soon read, for any detox, I never recommend it be too extreme or too lengthy… This will only cause you to likely swing right back where you started… (Iv’e seen it a million times & I’m sure you have too).

However, with that said, I like to jump right in with both feet on day 1.

I like to do a 24 hour fast because that is a very simple and profoundly effective means of re-establishing inner balance…

Fasting is amazing…


  • Detoxes Your Body From Toxins
  • Allows Your Internal Digestive Organs to Rest & Restore Themselves
  • Causes An Accelerated Total-Body Healing Effect
  • Puts You In A Very Connected and Aligned State of Being
  • Allows Your Kundalini (Spirit Energy) To Balance Out – Leading To Great Clarity
  • Helps You Be Ok Just, Being... Without The Need Of Constantly Being Stimulated.

As a personal trainer I would recommend my clients do it all the time…. and contrary to what you might expect, it had less to do with the fat loss benefits (which there are many) and much more to do with the state of mind it puts you in.

My clients primarily struggled with a lack of self-control rather than by food.

Fasting…even just one 24 hour fast… re-establishes self-control in a big way.

Don’t worry… I know many of you may have never even thought about doing a 24 hour fast before…

But here’s the thing…

  1. They Are WAY Easier Than You Think
  2. You Will LOVE IT

I wrote an entire Blog Post detailing how you can easily get through your first 24 hour fast… I walk you through the entire thing.

However, because we are also detoxing from things other than food, cut yourself off as much as possible from other habits, things, and behaviors that you have been doing compulsively…

For example…

  • Use your smart phone as if it were one of those old telephones hanging on the way…(only use it for phone calls).
  • Instead of watching TV…read a good book
  • Check Your Email 1 X
  • Stay off Social Media
  • Whatever else you have been doing in an addictive manor… stop it!

Tip & (What To Expect)

Expect today to suck…

You will feel a withdraw from all of those things you have allowed to creep into your daily habits.

Expect to feel,

  • Bored
  • Restless
  • Discontent
  • Joyless

You just have to make it through that first day because after that, it will be a lot easier.

Once you move beyond Day 1… you will literally feel like a new person…

Day 2 – 7 (Walking The Walk)

It’s time to do this in a way that will prevent the need of you having to do a future detox…

I was a personal trainer for many years and there is a pattern that was extremely evident in many of my clients…and human beings, in general.

They would succumb to a period of excess, binging out, over eating, lack of exercise, etc….

They, out of guilt, would propel themselves onto the total opposite side of the spectrum by doing a crazy and restrictive detox or crash diet…

Of course, usually sooner rather than later, they would realize that they can’t live like that either, and out of guilt, again, they would “give in” and repeat the entire cycle.

Each time, feeling more defeated, weak, and hopeless.

Now…. this happens with all of us to varying degrees, and that is why I am not going to suggest anything too drastic or unsustainable…

Rather, decide how you want to involve these things in your life… on a normal, long term basis…

Imagine your highest self, your absolute highest potential self…

What kind of relationship would they have with these things? (Food, Social Media, Smart Phones, TV, etc..)

Do that…

Don’t swear off your smart phone, delete facebook, or proclaim that you will never have a drop of alcohol again…

Simply, and now… from your re-aligned state…post-fast.. begin to act in accordance with your highest potential.


In a world that is full of a level of outer attractions, constantly begging for our precious, conscious attention, many times, we must be pro-active and develop habits that promote…inner reflection…inner alignment…and inner tranquility…WITHOUT the need for anything external.

Here are some simple suggestions:

  • Long Walks
  • Yoga…(I like Kundalini Yoga)
  • Meditation
  • Any activity you love..(painting, sewing, playing sports, etc.)

In conclusion…

Go easy on yourself…

Many times, guilt, and harsh judgement upon ourselves for exhibiting a high level of LACK of self-control is what causes our unbalanced behavior.

The transformative energies present on the planet are supposed to temporarily cause you to act these out so that you can see them with your new level of consciousness and there by break the cycle.…once & for all.

However, doing a little 7-Day Energy Detox, here and there can help you prevent these behaviors from negatively influencing your life longer than need be.



An energy master

An earth – bound master

Yes… I am saying master a lot because it’s true.

You know this.

You feel this.

You are this at the core of your being.

So, do whatever it takes to start acting like it…

