Ascension Energy: (Late-June 2016 Ascension Energy Update)


That’s all I can say about the current ascension energies present.

I feel very strongly that many of us… the ones working towards their highest vibrational in a conscious way… are heading for a massive precipice of energy, coming this fall.

Many are saying that this fall is the shift we have all been razzed up about.

Personally, I never put all my eggs into a specific prediction or dates, but do feel a strong resonance with that idea.

If this is the case, that would explain the turbulence I have been feeling lately…

How about you?

I feel that these ascension energies just kicked up a large notch or jump very recently.

We are not strangers to these jumps… We have been going through them, off and on for years…

However, there really does feel like a certain threshold is being reached… a massive influx of energies are now hitting us.. forcing our vibration… our internal world to upgrade.

It always happens, within…first.

The aftermath however is what I talk about in the following video.

The affect making sudden, internal, vibrational leaps is always very intense.

Like a ton of things are flying at you that need attention and you feel weaker than ever.

It’s ok and its going to pass, if it hasn’t already.

You might also even be experiencing really crazy awesome things in your life too..

It’s all happening.

Check out my latest youtube video for the latest messages on the present, June 2016 Ascension Energies..

Sign Up For My 3-Part, “How To Open Your 3rd Eye” Course…


Mood Shift (Program To End Your Ascension Chaos)