Spiritual Awakening and Depression (Why Awakening Causes Depression)

Spiritual Awakening and Depression tend to go hand in hand for most people.

The funny thing is… Depression… is quite helpful for navigating the spiritual awakening process, yet is judged by collectively agreed upon definitions as something negative…. something to be dealt with… and tends to cause the person experiencing it to feel like they are doing something wrong.

The spiritual awakening process is an … (Inside Job).

Depression is a tool we have as human beings for finding answers from…within…. when we are not able to find them… “out there.”

Yes, the depressed state tends to be a bit bluesy and melancholy… and this does not feel as bubbly as pure joy and excitement… but none the less… the depression has a purpose… and a very positive on, at that.

What has helped me tremendousely… is to look at my waves of depression differently.

I have conditioned myself to label my depressed states that have come and gone throughout my entire awakening as something useful, normal, and a valuable asset in my ever expanding journey of self-discovery.

The following video will provide you with 5 – reasons that spiritual awakening and depression tend to be so intimately linked together… and more importantly, in that understanding, may you, yourself, re-label it so that you can derive a positive affect from it, every time.




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