Lightworkers Always Forget To Do This…

This spiritual awakening is so demanding…

It tends to consume every moment of our lives it seems…

There is always a sense of urgency to let go, shift, or transform something…

It seems never ending.

You know what most of us forget to do? (including myself until last night)

Have fun!

That’s right…. plain, good old fashion, silly fun…

I had the greatest time last night!

On the surface though, it was just like any Saturday night… except for one thing…

My attitude.

Every Saturday night, my wife and I get a babysitter and go get a nice meal together…

To make the most of this highly anticipated meal…. we eat healthy and clean all week.. and then from Friday afternoon  to Saturday evening we do a nice long fast… at least 24 hours. (No food)

This allows us to go and eat a MASSIVE and tasty meal while staying within an ideal caloric range…

It’s a trick to have your cake and eat it too 🙂 Plus fasts are incredibly good for you…

I know… I am still sort of  a personal trainer nerd like that 🙂

By the way.. side note…. if you have never tried a 24 hour fast… I can’t recommend it enough… it will put you into a very enhanced state of spiritual connectedness as well as give you a nice detox…

I wrote a blog post a while back that tells you how to get through your first 24 hour fast.. very easily…

Back to the story…

So.. while in this fasted state… which is blissful by the way… we rode our bikes on a beautiful summer evening, through my new favorite hangout… the cemetery as you might have guessed 🙂

We smoked a small amount of weed.. just enough to make our meal taste a thousand times better… and then rode downtown for an amazing meal.

It felt so liberating to ride our bikes…weaving through all the people… on such a beautiful evening… anxiously anticipating our fun dinner that we prepared for all week…

It reminded me of being a kid again.

During the evening we both realized how long it’s been since we truly let loose like that.

We realized how uptight we have been… working… raising kids… pursuing our goals… go, go, go!

Just like almost everyone here in the States… I have been working like a dog… with the notion… that at some point in the future… I can relax and have a good time.

But as you know… that state of overdrive becomes a habit.

A habitual state of being…

Many times to the point of… actually forgetting how to unwind and have fun.
I learned my lesson last night though…
I am going to make time for fun…

I am going to do this because having fun is just as much… if not more... of a spiritual activity as anything.

Your vibration is highest when you are in a state of joy, laughing… and feeling good.


So what are you waiting for?

When’s the last time YOU had fun?

What’s your idea of fun?

Go for it man!

Also, the astrology is ripe for this energy… the energy will support your fun times right now!


Don’t worry about trying to squeeze your ideas of fun into a tight little box of what you perceive to be, “spiritually acceptable.”

So many people I notice label such things…especially what I did last night… as unacceptable and simply, not-spiritual… 

That is nonsense!
You are on earth man… in the physical…

And I think for many of us.. it might just be our LAST time for a long while…

Allow yourself to enjoy the pleasures that are unique to this dense, physical plane.

Come on… you know your guides are a teeny bit jealous when they see you bite into a slice of pizza, or crack open a beer on a hot summer day after cutting the lawn, or dance like a maniac at a rock n roll concert, or lose your voice screaming on a crazy roller coaster….

What’s YOUR idea of fun?

The first thing that pops in your head?

Go for it baby!




Victor’s Courses & Programs


Mood Shift (Reduce Symptoms, Feel More Balanced, and Manifest Faster)

How To Awaken Your Kundalini (28 Day Program To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy)

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