5 – Ways To Get Through Your DARKEST TIMES… (For Ascending Lightworkers)

In this new video I share 5 things that I could always fall back on while going through the challenging valleys of awakening. I have experienced, “lows” that I wouldn’t wish on my worst nightmare.. All for a great purpose however… None the less.. while in those lows… it’s tough. However, as bad as it…

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5- Awesome Books To Read During Your Spiritual Awakening

When I was feeling like a crazy person… all alone during my awakening… I often found solace in books. Fortunately, there are a ton of books that I have read along my path that have helped me… not only, not feel alone, but offered genuine information, motivation, and inspiration to keep me going another day.…

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Spiritual Awakening and Depression (Why Awakening Causes Depression)

Spiritual Awakening and Depression tend to go hand in hand for most people. The funny thing is… Depression… is quite helpful for navigating the spiritual awakening process, yet is judged by collectively agreed upon definitions as something negative…. something to be dealt with… and tends to cause the person experiencing it to feel like they…

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7- Signs You’re A Starseed

Straight away… Starseeds….Indigos….Lightworkers… These are all just labels that we have placed upon clumps of character traits… I personally don’t believe in any real soul – hierarchy. However…. the folks who identify…. resonate…. and strongly relate to the characteristics explained in these types of videos/posts I have made, often times feel very…. ALONE, ISOLATED… and even CRAZY.…

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Ascension Energy – HANGOVER

A brief period of clarity & consequences… just like a hangover… often follows a major energetic shift. Usually it goes down like this… Maybe you can relate? Big astrological alignment… full or new moon, retrograde period, solstice…. etc…. (We get hit with the acceleration) This involves a ton of action, realizations, physical symptoms… just a…

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Ascension Energy: (Late-June 2016 Ascension Energy Update)

Wow! That’s all I can say about the current ascension energies present. I feel very strongly that many of us… the ones working towards their highest vibrational in a conscious way… are heading for a massive precipice of energy, coming this fall. Many are saying that this fall is the shift we have all been…

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3 – Keys To MASTERING The Art Of Astral Projection

Astral projection…ie…(Having an Outer Body Experience)… is an incredibly life enhancing, expansive, and thrilling thing to do! The feelings of freedom that come along with the sensation of lifting out of your body is truly… life – changing… As awesome as astral projection feels… the, “after -affects” are possibly even more notable. Fear of death… For…

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7-Day Energetic DETOX

Have you been feeling a bit  addictive, fidgety, and overly focused on distractions outside of yourself? This manifests in… watching more tv than normal… compulsively checking your email, facebook, and other social media feeling addicted to your smart phone drawn to simple pleasures in the form of food, sex, and alcohol Many times the energies sort of…provoke…

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Ascension Energy Update: Early May – 2016

What’s up dudes!? So, you’re here… I guess that means you survived the crazy month of April.. no? I feel like I barley made it out of that one! Well, since I have you; Welcome to the… May-2016, Monthly Ascension Energy Forecast Briefly…before I get into the, 3 Themes of May-2016… I want to share an…

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Manifest FASTER by Re-Awakening Your Visualization Skills

Visualization is possibly the most powerful technique for accelerating your manifestations. Why? Unlike other helpful methods like saying positive affirmations and self-hypnosis… visualization conjures up emotion. Emotions are the real accelerators in the equation. The movie, “The Secret” often spoke about how our thoughts turn into things… but, they also said that when you synergize…

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